What eRocket GmbH says about Synesty?

A brief insight into the experiences of our long-standing customers.

What eRocket GmbH says about Synesty?

As part of our Syncdays 2023, we had the valuable opportunity to interview some of our customers and record their opinions. One of our long-time customers, Florian Metzel from eRocket GmbH, took the time to talk to us.

A look at eRocket GmbH.

The company's focus is on the development, production and distribution of designer carpets under its own brand Paco Home in the dropshipping model. The goal of eRocket is to offer carpets for every taste and budget. Due to the extensive range of services, the use of advanced tools such as Synesty, a highly qualified team and many years of experience in the DropShipping business, eRocket GmbH is an exceptional partner for online retail.

Testimonial from Florian: Customer testimonials about our software solution.

We asked Florian about his experience with our software to find out what problems it solves, what he likes and what he finds less good. The opinion of our customers is very important to us in order to get valuable feedback. This is essential for the continuous improvement of our tool. We want to help our customers to optimize their business processes to reach their full potential. In this short interview you can see for yourself what our customers say about us and our software solutions.

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Last updated June 6, 2023
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